Join our 5-Day Challenge — go from paralyzed to PRO using Project Broadcast to grow your YL business!
Business Texting for Beginners is our FREE mini course that will teach you how to use Project Broadcast for your Young Living business.

Have you tried using Project Broadcast to text your Young Living team and felt like you needed a degree in computer programming? I mean seriously, where is the HAAALP button?!?!
You've tried email, you're done with pouring hours into a Facebook Group that no one cares about, and you need this texting thing to work -- and it needs to work TODAY.
I don't care if you are 20 years old or 60, you CAN do this and I'm here to show you how.

Executive Leader
I've had Project Broadcast for years, watched all of the training videos, and almost cancelled my account because I just didn't get it. Your mini course literally was my saving grace! I sent out my first campaign by the time I was finished. Thank you!
Project Broadcast for YL Brand Partners
Free Mini Course
No big pitch, no sales gimmicks, just practical video tutorials that will take you from total newbie to a biz texting pro in 30 minutes or less a day.
Check your email for your personal login credentials to this course!